Monday, November 29, 2010

Another glass of wine please...

A hot shower & a glass of wine is definitely what the doctor ordered, at least tonight anyway...

What a day! There are some days that go by without me blinking an eye. Some days that are so easy... if easy is the right word. But, then I have days like today that seem to never end and push all my buttons.... even buttons I didn't know I had.

Dycen pulls himself up and proceeds to let go. I have wood floors... not a good look! He has fell flat on his face more than once & I can't count how many times he fell to a blood curdling scream. No matter how many times he hurts himself, he still wants to do it again and again. Putting him in his jumper doesn't work anymore. He cries & cries. I know all he wants to do is go, go, go like his brothers but doesn't he know that he's only 8 months old (in 6 days)?? Doesn't he know he's my baby & there is no rush?? I guess not.... my days of watching him sit quietly or bounce loudly are over. Operation 'Never take my eyes off of him & stay within 4 inches of him' is in full affect. 

How is my house suppose to get cleaned? How are the dishes going to get done? How is the laundry going to get folded? When can I sit down with Dominic & practice his letters & numbers? When do I take a shower? Haha... that was a joke! Who knows when any of these questions will get answered but I do know, there's always tomorrow! 

Be right back, need to pour another glass......

Dominic slammed his toy airplane down & went running to the bathroom. I said,  "Where are you going Nic?" He yelled loudly, "To throw up!" I couldn't get another word in before I heard that awful sound. I ran into help him & before I got there he had already started wiping his face. I asked him if he was ok. He said, "Yes Mom, I ate too much Turkey." 

I looked at him with confusion. "You didn't have any Turkey today", I said. 

He said, "I know but I had it every day of my life." 

Awwww.... I'm thinking he was Turkeeeed out in his mind but as his mom, I know it must have been the chocolate milk & clementines he insisted on eating together. 

Aw well... I cleaned the bathroom & rubbed his tummy all while holding onto Dycen's finger in case he decided to crash down... yup yup, the mom diggity...that's me!

I decided to wait for Demond to get home to go grocery shopping. It's always better that way. Whenever we go together I always spend less & get more. If I'm alone some how I spend more and get less. I swear its fixed.  He says he's a better grocery shopper than me.. I'm starting to believe it's true... anyways... let's get to the point!

The point is NEVER go shopping with 3 hungry children. I should have known but wanted to be a good wife and wait. Ugh! We bought stuff we didn't even need, courtesy of Jordan throwing random items in the cart. We forgot half of the stuff on the list because we were so distracted trying to keep the two older ones in line. Fights over purple and blue Gatorade, fights over fruit snacks or fruit roll-ups, fights over who was pushing the cart & who was walking, white powdered donuts or chocolate donuts..... Never again will we do that! 

After dinner was made I had no energy to put them in the bath tub. Yes I said it! They went to bed dirty.... tomorrow morning they will get baths. 

Now, I'm gonna drink this glass of wine, finish watching the Wizards game & hit the sheets!

Tomorrow is a new day & I'll be ready for it.... tomorrow. 

oxox, jess

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