It's Friday night & I'm not working. I'm sitting in my chair listening to the baby monitor. Dycen went down awhile ago but has already been up once. He doesn't feel good.
I picked him up from his crib and he immediately got comfortable. There was no more crying, no more coughing. He nuzzled up on my chest & took a big sigh. He was comfortable & that's just where he wanted to be.
I rocked him in my chair. Singing all of my special little songs... He eventually went back to sleep. That brings me to where I am now. In my chair with my feet up listening to the heat crank up & turn off, listening to football on the TV & staring at the kitchen table that needs to be cleaned off.
You would think that having a night off would be a night off. It sure doesn't feel like a night off. I actually feel more tired than normal..... ah well... it's silent right now & I'm enjoying every minute.
Dycen is everywhere these days. I caught him going up the stairs today. Dominic thinks it hilarious but I don't find it funny at all. It's actually heart wrenching... I can just see him falling down and really hurting himself. And so it goes....
I was feeding Dycen this morning. I went to the kitchen to get a rag & put his spoon in the dishwasher when something told me to turn around. I did & to my surprise he was standing in his highchair. Hands in the air with the biggest smile on his face. No, I don't use the straps but now I will. One wrong move and he was done! Ugh! I don't think I moved as fast as I did this morning in years. I grabbed him and said no, no, no... he could care less, he smacked me right in the face. Oh yea, he does that... he thinks its funny... it's a good thing he is cute or we would have issues.
Dominic is growing up so fast. I remember when Jordan was his age. Jordan was always a smart kid but Dominic truly amazes me with the things he says. It's crazy how different it is when you have an older to sibling to teach you the ropes.
Jordan is doing well in school. I'm really anxious to get his report card.
Jordan has this friend who comes over all the time to play. He's in 5th grade. Is that weird? I often wonder why a 5th grader wants to play with a kindergartener. I listen to their conversations & watch everything. Nothing has caught my eye to be strang but isn't that weird?
Anyways.... I feel like I'm rambling now. Have a great weekend ya'll!
oxox, jess
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