Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Its cold & I don't like it!

Winter is here. I don't like it! I don't like the cold air. I don't like that my kids are becoming the disgusting little kids with snot running down their faces. Ugh! Winter.. I hate being cold.

Dominic told me yesterday that I should tell him when its nice outside so he could go play. I told him that it wasn't going to be nice for a long time. He shrugged and said with no hesitation, "let's go to the beach then!" Haha! I wish... 

Don't get me wrong I love the holidays but the frigid air is not for me. As a mother, for me, it's hard in the winter time. My kids live outside when the weather is nice and that's basically all year except 3 months. Those 3 months start now. It's hard to keep them occupied inside. They don't watch movies and aren't into playing video games and Spongebob can only be on for so long before I feel like my brain is turning into a pineapple in the sea. 

These are the months where the creativity in me really has to come out. I have been on the internet a lot lately trying to find new crafts, recipes & games that we can play. We recently got a new printer on Black Friday. It really has come in handy lately. I printed out almost every NFL team helmet & let the boys go to town coloring them. That was awesome! A hour & a half of pure helmet coloring bliss!

These are the months when my fuse HAS to be a bit longer than normal. The arguing & fighting definitely will become more. The picking on each other has gotten worse. Dominic doesn't let stuff slide anymore. He now stands up for himself and gives Jordan a run for his money. I like it but that just means more work for me- more discipline. I'm not complaining but those are the moments when I'd like to say, "take it outside!"

These are the months that truly test me as a mother. I mean everyday is a test but these months seem to be a little harder, at least in my world.

Any ideas of things to do with my little men on the cold blustery days would be appreciated. Websites? Crafts? 

Thank ya, have a great day!

oxox, jess

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