A hot shower & a glass of wine is definitely what the doctor ordered, at least tonight anyway...
What a day! There are some days that go by without me blinking an eye. Some days that are so easy... if easy is the right word. But, then I have days like today that seem to never end and push all my buttons.... even buttons I didn't know I had.
Dycen pulls himself up and proceeds to let go. I have wood floors... not a good look! He has fell flat on his face more than once & I can't count how many times he fell to a blood curdling scream. No matter how many times he hurts himself, he still wants to do it again and again. Putting him in his jumper doesn't work anymore. He cries & cries. I know all he wants to do is go, go, go like his brothers but doesn't he know that he's only 8 months old (in 6 days)?? Doesn't he know he's my baby & there is no rush?? I guess not.... my days of watching him sit quietly or bounce loudly are over. Operation 'Never take my eyes off of him & stay within 4 inches of him' is in full affect.
How is my house suppose to get cleaned? How are the dishes going to get done? How is the laundry going to get folded? When can I sit down with Dominic & practice his letters & numbers? When do I take a shower? Haha... that was a joke! Who knows when any of these questions will get answered but I do know, there's always tomorrow!
Be right back, need to pour another glass......
Dominic slammed his toy airplane down & went running to the bathroom. I said, "Where are you going Nic?" He yelled loudly, "To throw up!" I couldn't get another word in before I heard that awful sound. I ran into help him & before I got there he had already started wiping his face. I asked him if he was ok. He said, "Yes Mom, I ate too much Turkey."
I looked at him with confusion. "You didn't have any Turkey today", I said.
He said, "I know but I had it every day of my life."
Awwww.... I'm thinking he was Turkeeeed out in his mind but as his mom, I know it must have been the chocolate milk & clementines he insisted on eating together.
Aw well... I cleaned the bathroom & rubbed his tummy all while holding onto Dycen's finger in case he decided to crash down... yup yup, the mom diggity...that's me!
I decided to wait for Demond to get home to go grocery shopping. It's always better that way. Whenever we go together I always spend less & get more. If I'm alone some how I spend more and get less. I swear its fixed. He says he's a better grocery shopper than me.. I'm starting to believe it's true... anyways... let's get to the point!
The point is NEVER go shopping with 3 hungry children. I should have known but wanted to be a good wife and wait. Ugh! We bought stuff we didn't even need, courtesy of Jordan throwing random items in the cart. We forgot half of the stuff on the list because we were so distracted trying to keep the two older ones in line. Fights over purple and blue Gatorade, fights over fruit snacks or fruit roll-ups, fights over who was pushing the cart & who was walking, white powdered donuts or chocolate donuts..... Never again will we do that!
After dinner was made I had no energy to put them in the bath tub. Yes I said it! They went to bed dirty.... tomorrow morning they will get baths.
Now, I'm gonna drink this glass of wine, finish watching the Wizards game & hit the sheets!
Tomorrow is a new day & I'll be ready for it.... tomorrow.
oxox, jess
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thanksgiving, A little bit late
Wow, I've totally been slacking. Well, maybe not slacking but I've made no time for myself to sit down, reflect & type.
The past few days have flown by. I've enjoyed not having to get up and get Jordan ready for school. I've enjoyed making big breakfasts' and not doing homework. I've truly enjoyed all the little things...
I worked the night before Thanksgiving & we were busy. We like to call it the 'weeds'. So in restaurant lingo, 'we were in the weeds' all night! Many people had family in so I got to meet many out-of-town guests. I asked everyone who sat down, "if they were ready for Thanksgiving?" The responses were all so unique but at the same time..... so alike. It was intriguing to hear the stories about family (good, bad & some down right, hysterical), the dishes that were being made and some of the families traditions. I got some really cool ideas. And then of course there is the other side of that coin. Haha! The lady that told me she boycotts Thanksgiving because she thinks you should be thankful all the time & not for just one day definitely took the cake. She said she makes pizza & spinach salad every year... I actually stood there in shock but couldn't say much...she hadn't tipped me yet!
Thanksgiving is a time to share with family, friends, co-workers or down right strangers. But, no matter how you spend your time, you are with the people you care about. My father-in-law, who is a Pastor, spent his Thanksgiving handing out meals at a local restaurant that was giving away Thanksgiving meals to the less fortunate. No matter where you are, you can't help but feel the extra love in the air. This is my hope. Thanksgiving to me is just as special as Christmas. Thanksgiving is everything Christmas is, without the Christmas stress of gifts and other things that lay heavy on my heart.
This year I actually took time to think about some of the things that I'm really thankful for that I wouldn't usually think about.
I'm thankful for my baby. His perfection, his innocence & his smile.
I'm thankful for all the neighborhood kids who are in & out of my house on a daily basis. I love that my kids have them. Life truly wouldn't be as fun & loud without them.
I'm thankful for all the people I meet at work. It really helps me put my life into perspective.
I'm thankful my husband doesn't swear. EVER!
I'm thankful that both of my brothers and brother-in-laws have kids the SAME age as mine.
I have a blessed life & I take nothing for granted. Thanksgiving is such a wonderful, warm, delicious holiday to share how you feel about what's important to you.
My family, friends, co-workers & people I only meet for a short time.... I'm thankful for you. You make my life, mine.
I remember when it was just Mom, Dave, Matt, Chris & I. Now we're running out of chairs. =)
Savannah, Dominic, Isaiah & Jordan were the focus last year. Juliana, my sister in law & I were pregnant with these two little angels last year. We knew it would be great adding two more to the crew but couldn't have imagined something this great!
Nothing more special then seeing my Mom with our children. Grandma makes EVERYTHING better.
I hope each & every person reading this had a blessed, happy, filling and joyous weekend. Happy Thanksgiving a few days late.. from us to you!
oxox, Jess
The past few days have flown by. I've enjoyed not having to get up and get Jordan ready for school. I've enjoyed making big breakfasts' and not doing homework. I've truly enjoyed all the little things...
I worked the night before Thanksgiving & we were busy. We like to call it the 'weeds'. So in restaurant lingo, 'we were in the weeds' all night! Many people had family in so I got to meet many out-of-town guests. I asked everyone who sat down, "if they were ready for Thanksgiving?" The responses were all so unique but at the same time..... so alike. It was intriguing to hear the stories about family (good, bad & some down right, hysterical), the dishes that were being made and some of the families traditions. I got some really cool ideas. And then of course there is the other side of that coin. Haha! The lady that told me she boycotts Thanksgiving because she thinks you should be thankful all the time & not for just one day definitely took the cake. She said she makes pizza & spinach salad every year... I actually stood there in shock but couldn't say much...she hadn't tipped me yet!
Thanksgiving is a time to share with family, friends, co-workers or down right strangers. But, no matter how you spend your time, you are with the people you care about. My father-in-law, who is a Pastor, spent his Thanksgiving handing out meals at a local restaurant that was giving away Thanksgiving meals to the less fortunate. No matter where you are, you can't help but feel the extra love in the air. This is my hope. Thanksgiving to me is just as special as Christmas. Thanksgiving is everything Christmas is, without the Christmas stress of gifts and other things that lay heavy on my heart.
This year I actually took time to think about some of the things that I'm really thankful for that I wouldn't usually think about.
I'm thankful for my baby. His perfection, his innocence & his smile.
I'm thankful for all the neighborhood kids who are in & out of my house on a daily basis. I love that my kids have them. Life truly wouldn't be as fun & loud without them.
I'm thankful for all the people I meet at work. It really helps me put my life into perspective.
I'm thankful my husband doesn't swear. EVER!
I'm thankful that both of my brothers and brother-in-laws have kids the SAME age as mine.
I have a blessed life & I take nothing for granted. Thanksgiving is such a wonderful, warm, delicious holiday to share how you feel about what's important to you.
My family, friends, co-workers & people I only meet for a short time.... I'm thankful for you. You make my life, mine.
I remember when it was just Mom, Dave, Matt, Chris & I. Now we're running out of chairs. =)
Savannah, Dominic, Isaiah & Jordan were the focus last year. Juliana, my sister in law & I were pregnant with these two little angels last year. We knew it would be great adding two more to the crew but couldn't have imagined something this great!
Nothing more special then seeing my Mom with our children. Grandma makes EVERYTHING better.
I hope each & every person reading this had a blessed, happy, filling and joyous weekend. Happy Thanksgiving a few days late.. from us to you!
oxox, Jess
Monday, November 22, 2010
"A day without laughter is a day wasted."
"Mommy, Mommy, the clouds are falling, the clouds are falling!"
I looked in amazement at the seriousness in his face. At first I didn't know what he was talking about, but as soon as I got to the door I realized that it was the fog.
"Santa is coming Mom, I know it! He's gonna be here when I get home from school!"
"It's not even December Jordan, he will be here on Christmas, I said." "Well, it looks like he's coming RIGHT NOW & that's the truth," he replied, with the most irritated attitude there is.
I left it at that.... no need to start an argument before school.
That was the start of my day. God love him!
I enjoyed my day off. Dominic, Dycen & I waited around for the Direct T.V. dude to come.He came & now we have T.V. Bittersweet, I suppose.
Nic & I built a small fort so Dycen could crawl through..... oh yes, Dycen is crawling. Not just crawling crawling but crawling with a purpose or crawling like someone is chasing him. Good grief!
I walked into the kitchen & left him in the family room with Dominic & his toys. It wasn't even a minute later and he had made it all the way in the kitchen & was right up under my feet. My life changed in that exact moment. I now have 3 mobile children...sheesh, where's my wine?! =)
I caught parts of Oprah's 'Favorite Things' Show. Wow! What a blessing those people received today. How awesome would that be to be on that show?! Speaking of favorite things... I have some & I would like to share.
- I love when Dominic gets mad at me & says "I'm not your Mom anymore!" That's a fave.
- I love when I try to give Dycen peas between squash & bananas & he spits them in my face. That's a fave.
- I love that I clean the bathrooms & I'm the ONLY one who knows how to aim! That's a fave.
Those are just a few that came to mind... =) I like crock pots, jewelery & cars but nothing compares to my FOR REAL favorite things!
Jordan wanted to spend a few minutes with me before he went to bed. We curled up in bed & turned on the T.V. after reading "My Little Lion Cub".
Kentucky was playing Oklahoma in basketball. He has always been around basketball but has never shown a HUGE interest in wanting to play, yet! Football is definitely his thing as of right now.
Tonight was the first time he ever asked specific questions about the game. "Why is the blue team so much faster?" "He just threw the ball & didn't watch where it was going!?" "Are you allowed to pull people's shirts?" He was so into it, but now as I look back, it was probably because I was allowing him to stay up a tad bit later than usual. He was doing and saying anything to stay up with me.
So I had a question for him.... "What team do you want to win, Jordan?" He stared at the TV for a bit and then turned over & looked at me with those big brown eyes and said, "the blue team because that guy right there booms it like Daddy!" "Booms it," I said. "Do you mean dunk?" "Yeah Mom, you know what I mean, I thought you played basketball." Haha!
Excuse me!
Oh & to add to my list of 'favorite things' would definitely have to be.... conversations with my 6 year old. =) Definitely!
Prayers & bed...
God Bless & Good Night!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Things come & go... Family is forever!
I finally made it to my spot. My soft, supportive, comfy, yummy, chocolate brown reclining chair. I love it here....
It's so quiet. I can hear the sirens go by. I have one candle lit, these are the moments that keep me sane. =)
Soooo.... Our Direct TV stopped working yesterday morning. Having no TV is weird but I actually really love it. It is unbelievably quiet. The dryer isn't on either & that's usually ALWAYS on, but oh, that broke too! Yes, Friday morning he decided to stop working. How can you blame him, he was 19 years old. Just in time for the holidays.... perfect timing. Ugh!
Everyone is in bed & I should be too but I had to write even if it's just short & sweet tonight.
I received an email from someone I don't speak to. Well, it's been a very long time since the last time we did. The email was basically saying....
This weekend was full of love, laughter, family & fun! Here are some photos! Love yall =) God Bless!
It's so quiet. I can hear the sirens go by. I have one candle lit, these are the moments that keep me sane. =)
Soooo.... Our Direct TV stopped working yesterday morning. Having no TV is weird but I actually really love it. It is unbelievably quiet. The dryer isn't on either & that's usually ALWAYS on, but oh, that broke too! Yes, Friday morning he decided to stop working. How can you blame him, he was 19 years old. Just in time for the holidays.... perfect timing. Ugh!
Everyone is in bed & I should be too but I had to write even if it's just short & sweet tonight.
I received an email from someone I don't speak to. Well, it's been a very long time since the last time we did. The email was basically saying....
- Remember to always say what you mean.
- Don't be afraid to express yourself.
- Seize the day! Never have regrets.
- Stay close to your friends & family, for they have helped you make you the person you are today!
This weekend was full of love, laughter, family & fun! Here are some photos! Love yall =) God Bless!
The playroom at Aunt Danielle's! Awesomeness! |
We roll deep & that's a whole lotta love! |
Hail to the Redskins! |
Jordan & Dominic with all of their cousins! LOVE |
Uncle Dennis singing with kiddos! |
Jadyn, Amya, Dominic, Alanna & Simone |
Friday, November 19, 2010
"God don't make no junk!"
As I stood at the top of the hill watching Jordan at the bus stop, I couldn't help but tear up. He was so excited to go to school today. He was ready 20 minutes before we usually head down. He stood at the window singing and telling me that he loved his new teacher. That was music to my ears. Let's go back a little bit...
Jordan was born on September 13th. He has always been one of, if not the youngest in his preschool, kindergarten & first grade classes. I've been concerned about his age from the beginning but always listened to his teachers. "Jordan is smart, it's ok that he is young, send him on." "Jordan will get it, it will click, just be patient." "He's silly, but most kids are, he's definitely all boy!"
I listened to all of this but knew in my heart that he wasn't where he was suppose to be. I ignored the feeling, I ignored what I knew was the truth. Why? I have no idea... I just wanted to dig my heals deep & push through.
Jordan started first grade in August. I liked his teacher & never heard from her for the first quarter of school concerning his learning & behavior. I assumed we were all good! I will NEVER do that again! I volunteered, sent food, sent supplies, emailed back & fourth and everything seemed great. Until, the report card came a couple of weeks ago.....
Jordan had been struggling with everything. She said it was all based on his behavior. He was silly. He was acting out & always trying to make his friends laugh. I was pissed! Not because of what he was doing but because I hadn't heard one word from the teacher. How could this be? Why wouldn't you keep me in the loop? We talk on a regular basis. I help out with whatever you need. Blah!
The ball was dropped & at this point there was nothing I could do. I knew that it was time to listen to MY HEART. I called the teacher immediately & set up a conference with her & the principal.
Days passed & I couldn't stop thinking about it. I knew what had to be done. I was in such a bad mood. Demond kept asking me what was wrong. I wasn't pleasant. I was stressed & felt like I had failed my child.
We had the meeting and I of course decided that Jordan needed to go back to Kindergarten. I cried, his first grade teacher cried and apologized for not keeping in touch about the things that were important. I chose the new teacher I wanted for him & knew in my heart that I finally was making the right decision. It wasn't easy & I was dreading telling Jordan.
We told Jordan when we got home & he cried but we assured him that this was the best thing for him & that it was going to help him in years to come. This was last Thursday. He started in his new class on Monday.
He loves it! He has already made new friends & the teacher has written notes home expressing what good days he has had & that this is exactly where he needs to be. I met with his new teacher yesterday and she was EVERYTHING I hoped she would be & more! What a huge stress that was immediately lifted from my body. Thank you Lord! She hugged me & told me that Jordan was blessed to have me as his mom. Something I really needed to hear at that moment.
Back to this morning.... While Jordan was singing at the window, I told him how special he was and how proud I am of him. He turned around, with all of his spunk & attitude and said, "Of course I'm special!" I just smiled and said, "Oh, really?" He said, "Yeah Mom, I'm special because God don't make no junk!" "Is it time to go to the bus stop yet?" "Yes, Jordan..... lets go." =)
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Christmas Cards, Check!
The holidays are fast approaching... I can't believe it's that time of year again. Man, time flies when you're having fun! Every year I send out Christmas cards. I always have the place where we get our holiday photos taken, make them for me.
This year we aren't doing holiday photos because we recently had our pictures taken by Leah Yochim Blaise She is amazing & I recommend her to everyone we know! Send her an email & tell her I sent ya! =)
Where to design my Christmas cards was the question? I have heard so many great things about a lot of different sites. After checking many sites I decided to go with Shutterfly Christmas Photos . I have used Shutterfly for many years but only to store my pictures. What an awesome site to design! I designed 4 different cards & then hubby & I made the final decision. I had so much fun & they had sooooo many great choices. I also made my Mom & brother a card! Fun! Fun!
Have fun and play with it! I'm now working on different photo books and Christmas presents, Shutterfly is definitely my choice for photography fun!
"Cookies for lunch, I think so!"
So as of today I'm a blogger. I never really thought I would be doing something like this but the more I thought about it the more it made sense. I have a crazy, fast, awesome life! There is never a dull moment being a mom of 3 and a bartender part time. I have many roles I play & I love each and every one of them!
My kids are hysterical & I'm so excited to share with you the stories of our life. My job is great and I meet the greatest, to well..... not so great people. Either way, they leave a stamp on my life and some way or another, I learn something.
Now back to what I was saying... my kids are hysterical....
Jordan came home from school today with a HUGE smile on his face. I immediately knew that something silly was about to come out of his mouth but I had no idea what. He begins to tell me that Anna, a little girl in his class has put him on her 'boyfriend' list. I was very surprised and asked him what that meant. He said that there were 6 boys on her list and he was #6. He said #6 was the best because #6 is the fastest. At that moment I didn't know what to say. I wanted to tell him that if you are on a list of 6 you should probably run the other way. I of course didn't say anything, except, Jordan you don't need a girlfriend right now you need to be practicing being a good boy & completing all of your work. He was very mad that I said that and proceeded to tell me that if he didn't have a girlfriend then how was he suppose to get cookies at lunch everyday?? Ha! Sounds exactly like his father! I now will be packing cookies everyday for lunch! =)
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